Sunday, August 26, 2012

July 2012

July is the month of the Sage Family Reunion.  The events leading up to reunion kept us busy. We had contacted all the members of the Sage family and outlined the events and activities. Woody, Julia and Dawn and I had divided up the tasks of preparing for the reunion.
 Julia was in charge of the food. In addition to stockpiling paper products and freezing food stuff, she also had house guests. Tara and her kids were here for month before the reunion. Amir, Gussy, and Franny had the time of their life between the rubber water pool on Julia’s lawn and the tree house at Woody’s place. We enjoyed their busy little bodies and took them around the river and the park.
Woody planned the “Sage Shoot-out” by making targets for the pistols and rifles. His son, Chad did a beautiful job on the certificates. This event was held in Rexburg on Thursday, July 26th. We had about 20 family members participating.
On Friday morning we had the “The March of the Sages” fun run and walk around Freeman Park and the Green Belt around the Snake River. The 4 ½ mile run started at the pavilion in Freeman Park then after all the way around the upper end we ran down and around the falls end of the Green Belt. There were about 12 runners completing the distance.  Completion metals were given to the participants.
 Then on Friday afternoon we had a golf tournament at Heise Hot Springs. Many of the family members participated. Dawn had made gift notes with gold characters hand decorated for those who participated.

Finally on Saturday we had the big picnic at Freeman Park. We provided the food and drink for over one hundred members of the Sage family. I presented a Sage Family power point presentation on our 

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